
Retinal Photography

To take high-resolution pictures inside the eye, we use a computer-integrated digital imaging system to record a detailed view of the retina. Since nothing touches the eye, photo-documentation is painless. This digital image provides an excellent reference point for future comparisons and also serves as a benchmark for comparison for subtle future changes, which may not be so obvious to detect otherwise.

Retinal photography assists in the detection and management of problems such as diabetic changes, hypertensive retinopathy, macular degeneration, optic nerve disease, and retinal holes or thinning.

At Thie Optometrists, we recommend that all our patients receive this test. It is especially important for people with a history of high blood pressure, diabetes, retinal diseases, flashing lights, floaters, headaches, or a strong spectacles prescription.

For Appointment Call:

Bridge Street: 01442 253 858
Stoneycroft: 01442 264 897

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